Sunday, April 13, 2008

Grill night

Last weekend we had some friends over for a last minute grill night. Jay was the chef and he did very well, we still lack some essential ustensils but it is getting better!

All the pics were taken by Brad and Adam

Jay, Cheryl and me

Elisabeth and Jay

Adam. Tiffany and Kim

The feast! Shrimps, asparagus, sausages, lentil salad, potato salad...


Anonymous said...

Tout cela m'a l'air très bon.Vous etes tous en tenue d'été alors que nous portons encore nos gros pulls.Grosses bises d'Habère poche.Maman.

Martine y compañia said...

jolie petite soirèe, les asperges ont l'air bonnes.

Celine et Freddy said...

Bonne soirée!! tout ca a l'air bien bon!!! gros bisous