Wednesday, May 14, 2008

News from the backyard

Here's some new pics of the ever amazing banana tree, I know you're all eager to see how it's growing, right?

We actually have 4 banana trees throughout the bakyard

The asian lillies. They have faded now, hopefully we'll see them again next spring!

The asian lillies are gone but we have new flowers blooming all the time. Here's the latest.
Does anyone know what it is?


zabeau said...

je suis en admiration devant tes fleurs. d'emblée, je ne connais le nom de la fleur recherche....bisous

Anonymous said...

Ton jardin est très beau,les fleurs superbes mais je ne connais pas le nom de ta fleur jaune,désolée!!Je vais me renseigner,promis.GROS GROS BISOUS Maman.

Martine y compañia said...

Et bien non, je ne sais pas de quelle fleur il s'agit, mais elles sont jolies. Tout pousse chez vous...

Unknown said...

If it's kind of vine like or a vine-like shrub it's a type of Jessamine. It'll bloom again in the fall.

Unknown said...

Could also be St. John's Wort.

Unknown said...

My work here is done.

Dorothée and Jay said...

@Calliope: Il faut venir nous voir!

@Maman: Merci ma maman

@Martine: C'est vrai qu'on a un bon climat pour les plantes, il fait chaud, assez humide et le soleil est tres present.

@Ryan: Thanks. I googled it and you're right, it's St. John's Wort.
But your work here is not done!

Celine et Freddy said...