Sunday, May 31, 2009

Washington DC

For Mother's day, we went to DC spend some time with Jay's family. We stayed at Liane's who now lives in Arlington. It was a great weekend, way too short. We need to come back during the Cherry Blossoms Festival :)
We did get to walk ALL AROUND the National mall and to see the beautiful National Cathedral.
And Jay got to play with his new camera too.

DC by night

The Washington Monument

The National Cathedral, completed in 1990

The builders of the cathedral incorporated a moon rock in this window. So cool!
The last supper
The Cathedral's gate

The Jefferson Memorial, at the very end of the National Mall

The Vietnam War Memorial

Korean War Memorial

Lincoln Memorial


Jay's dad going up the stairs toward the Lincoln Memorial

The World War II Memorial

World War II Memorial amd Lincoln Memorial in the background

At the Capitol

The Smithsonian Castle

A pretty merry-go-round by the Smithsonian Castle

Union Station.
The statues of Roman soldiers all around used to be naked, but since it shocked people, capes and shields were added.

Jay's dad with president Barack Obama. He he he.


Anonymous said...

Toutes vos photos sont splendides,il faudra que nous allions visiter cette capitale.Don accompagné du président ont beaucoup de prestance.Bisous à vous deux et continuez à nous faire découvrir de jolies choses.Maman

Martine y compañia said...

Fête des mères, en France c'est pour le 7 juin et en Espagne c'était le 3 mai. Super week-end, surtout bien rempli, le nouvel appareil photo de Jay va à merveille car les photos sont magnifiques. Les vitraux de la cathédrale sont de toute beauté et les soldats et Lincoln paraissent vivants et le papa de Jay avec Obama, génial, mais oui, vous aussi vous êtes beaux ...
Plein de gros bisous.

Celine et Freddy said...

Toutes les photos sont supers ca donne envie de tout voir en vrai !!
gros bisous

The Hemme House said...

Great pictures, D&J!!! Loved looking at them all!!!

The Hemme House said...

Great pictures, D&J!!! Loved looking at them all!!!