Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

For the 2nd time, we hosted Thanksgiving for our close friends. It was a great day of food and games. Here are the pictures, not in order again but we will be better with our blog, it's our new year resolution ;)

Corrine on the drums (Rockband)

Brad and I singing

Adam's turn

After the battle

During the battle

Before the battle


Posing with the 24 pounds turkey (almost 11 kgs)

Michael and Corrine

Christie and Adam outside our house

The day before, preparing the brine


Martine y compañia said...

Wouahh !!! Belle bête la dinde et bien dorèe. Sympa le karaoke, vous avez bien rigolè. Bisous à tous.

NANITE said...

Elle est trop belle votre maison, j'ai hâte de venir la voir au mois de mai.
Et ta dinde j'aurais aimé la goûter ! Pour Noël 2010 c'est toi qui fais la cuisine à Habère Poche.

Anonymous said...

Roxane a raison Noël 2010 tu nous fais thanksgiving à Habère Poche.kisses Maman.