Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy Jay and favorite wine of the moment

A while ago, Jay saw the commercial for the new Dawn Direct Foam "One pump is all you need!" and he's been dying to trying it out. So when we went to Target to get our new energy efficient light bulbs and we saw the little blue bottle with a pump, we had to buy it. Verdict: It does need only one pump to go through all the dishes! Incredible!

In other news, we really like the Layer Cake wine, but it's hard to find here in Dallas. It goes very well with desserts (or sweet snacks)

Dawn Direct Foam and Jay

A tasty snack to burst in snacky happiness!

Delicious Layer Cake wine from Australia


zabeau said...

super je suis la première ! america is really the best even for washing.
le plateau a l'air goûteux. vive le vin, vive le chocolat!

le journal d'Isa said...

du bon vin, du bon chocolat ... un homme qui s'occupe des taches menageres ... que demander de plus !