Wednesday, August 6, 2008

France - How he proposed!

First we had a very nice dinner at a restaurant near our hotel in the Quartier Latin. It was the same hotel and same restaurant we've been to two years ago. The restaurant was called Les Degrés de Notre-Dame because you can see Notre-Dame from it.

After dinner we decided to take a walk toward the Eiffel Tower, we knew she was all pretty and sparkly and wanted to take some pictures.
So after walking all that way, we sat down in the Trocadero Garden to enjoy the show. And at midnight, the Eiffel Tower started to sparkle again and that is when Jay asked me to marry him (in french!) and I said yes!


vuboq said...

So sweet and romantic! Congratulations :-) *smooches*

Martine y compañia said...

Jay, you know how win the woman's heart ... you're brilliant.
Dorothée, c'est une demande en mariage trés romantique, impossible de refuser ... ¿et la bague?, je veux la voir ...
Bisous et encore nos félicitations.

Dorothée and Jay said...

@Vuboq Thanks!

@Martine Je ne porte pas encore la bague parce-qu'elle est un peu trop grande mais les photos viennent tres bientot!

le journal d'Isa said...

Felicitations a tout les deux c'est une demande en mariage magnifique ... cela me laisse reveuse ...!