And now for the details:
First, we rented guest houses for everyone from July 18th to August 1st, so there is no need to look for hotel.
First, we rented guest houses for everyone from July 18th to August 1st, so there is no need to look for hotel.
Then, don't forget to buy your plane ticket for Geneva, as my hometown is on the border between France and Switzerland. Geneva is the closest airport (about 30 minutes from Habère-Poche)

We would recommend that you rent a car since it is the countryside and you will not find public transportation.
There is lots of things to do in the area. Hiking, swimming, biking, horse-back riding, gliding...
Here is the website for things to do in the Vallée Verte where Habère-Poche is located.
While in Habère-Poche, you will be very close to go visit Geneva, Evian and Thonon-les-bains (where I was born!)
From Thonon and Evian, you can easily take the boat to go to Geneva or Lausanne.
Don't forget to go check out the springs both in Evian and Thonon and maybe enjoy a day at the spa. And you should definitely go for a swim in the Leman lake, there is a nice beach in Thonon called la Pinède that I love, it is near the Château de Ripaille where you can enjoy wine and walks in the very old oak forest.
Or you can go to Lyon, it is a bit further, about 2 hours, but definitely worth it. I would recommend taking the train from Annemasse to arrive directly in the center of Lyon at the Pardieu station.
You can go visit Chamonix as well, at the foot of the Mont-Blanc, and don't forget to go to the Mer de Glace!
While you are in Chamonix, Italy is right across the mountains, through the Mont-Blanc tunnel, and Aosta is only 2 hours from Habère-Poche!
If you want to go hiking, you can check out my dad's blog, he and my mother are out and about all the time in the mountains. The blog has great pictures and it can give you ideas on where to go hiking.
We will keep posting about things to do as soon as they come to mind :)
As soon as you know which dates you will be able to come, please leave a comment on that post. We would love if everyone could be there for the full two weeks but we understand it might not be possible.
Don't forget, the wedding is on July 25th!
I am looking forward to the wedding! And all the activities to do in your neighborhood:) As soon as we have dates I will let you know!
Wouhouhou!!!! Vivement le 25 juillet !!!! Je poserais mes congés à ce moment là pour 2 semaines!!! Cependant, Il faudra voir avec les congés de Freddy qui sont pour le moment très incertains....
Nous avons hâte de recevoir l'invitation, nous pas de probléme nous irons chez Laurence mais on ne sait pas si on arrive à 5 ou 6, Antonin viendra certainement avec Andréa, et Tristàn peut-être avec Sandra. Et oui, toute les familles s'agrandissent...
Super votre message pour vos invités qui ne connaissent pas la région.
Plein de gros bisous, vivement juillet.
C'est drôlement bien expliqué. Félicitations. On voudrais bien y aller en vacances !
Ohlalala, j'ai trop hâte !!!
En plus je pourrais peut être héberger les touristes qui veulent visiter Lyon.
Come on !
ça fait tout drole !! vivement le 25 juillet !! j'espere avoir trouvé du travail d'ici la,en esperant aussi que je puisse avoir des congés ...gros bisous
@sabooky1: I can't wait to get together in France!
@Céline: J'espere que vous pourrez venir tous les deux pour le plus longtemps possible!
@Martine: Plus on est de fous, plus on rit! J'ai hate de tous vous voir.
@Richard: Merci, j'ai fait du mieux que j'ai pu. Si t'as des idees de trucs a faire, n'hesite pas, je suis sure que j'ai oublie pleins de trucs.
@nanite: Merci ma nanite (ou devrais-je dire mon organisatrice de mariage!)
@Isa: T'as interet de venir oui! Ca va etre la fete!
Je suis également disponible si des "Américains" veulent visiter la "côte d'Azur" et Lyon... Mais bon après faut pas me demander de leur faire la conversation...
Salut les Ricains .. J'ai deja pose mes conges pour mi-Juillet a Mi- Aout ... donc sauf imprevu .. on est la. Pour l'ebergement .. je verrais avec mon Pere maison Saddier va etre fully booked !!.
Bonne Annee 2009 .. et a Juillet !
Anita Patrick
I agree with what everyone else said...even though i can't speak french, I am sure t was all very kind. :-)
Salut Doroth & Jay
sympa vos faire-parts et vivement le 25 juillet ! D'ici là, je vous souhaite plein de bonnes choses.
A très bientôt
Nath & Did de Cluses
30' from Habere-Poche
Nothing interesting and beautiful to see here
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