It was a lot of fun, we had gone to our favorite restaurant, Jeng Chi, just before and went to Babe's for some delicious fried chicken afterwards. Sharon, Marina and Lani's cousin, was in town from Chicago so we needed to show her a good time in Dallas!

The silo

Now it's my turn!

Marina was belaying me.
Afterwards at Babe's. Here with Lani.
The whole gang full of fried chicken deliciousness:
Marina, Sharon, Laurel, Matt, me, Warren and Lani
La montagne ça vous gagne !!!
C'est quand même mieux dans la vraie ! non?
Escalade intéressante mais dans un silo, attention la claustrophobie, ¿non? ... moi, je préfère le restaurant. On attend les photos de "la despedida" de Jay.
Gros bisous.
bravo!!Je ne suis pas capable de grimper comme ça,j'ai le vertige.C'est bien ce vieux silo reconvertit en mur d'escalade.C'est pas trop chaud à l'intérieur quand le soleil tape??Gros Bisous,Maman.
Oh c'est genial !
Gros bisous
How fun! I used to go there in high school with my family. We should go climbing together sometime. Can't believe how close your wedding is...I'm very excited for you both! See you soon in France! :)
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