Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Mario Galaxy and "petit accrochage" (fender bender)

On tuesday afternoon, Toys R Us was releasing the new Wii game, Mario Galaxy, at 5:00. And when you buy it, you get a $25 gift card! I couldn't miss this opportunity so after work I went to go get game and gift card.

Not only I didn't get the game, but I got in a little car accident. Beautiful Versa is fine, just some scratches and small punctures on the bumper, the only damage was the plastic bumper of an old Ford Taurus. I was just leaving a red light when the guy in front stopped, and BAM!

The evening ended well when my friend and coworker Adam called to say he got the game for Jay and I, thank you!

Beautiful Versa should be repaired very soon, no worries!

Wii got it!


Richard said...

ouais, faut faire attention en auto.
Ça m'est arrivé aussi de percuter un type qui avait calé quand le feu est passé au vert.
Si y a pas grand chose c'est bon.

Anonymous said...

Heureusement plus de peur que de mal !
il faut être trés vigilante au volant, j'espère que Mario t'a aidé a te remettre de tes émotions !
Je t'aime trés fort !
Gros Gros bisous

Dorothée and Jay said...

Oui Mario m'a beaucoup aide maman :)
La voiture a pas grand chose mais ca m'enerve parce-qu'elle a meme pas 1 an!
Gros bisous <3

Anita-Patrick said...

This is what happen when you rush to get stuffs done .. In future .. cool cool ..
At the end ..If I understand well ..on same day you get a car crash and .. 3 same games.. + a 25 $ gift ..?
But did you know that today .. 25 $ is less than 16 Euros ??
Bisous a vous deux

Celine et Freddy said...

quel dommage la belle titine...
heureusement que mario est là.... gros bisous bisous
celine et freddy