Saturday, November 3, 2007

October in pictures

It's november, we can smell the turkey already. So to say good-bye to october here's some random pics of the things we did.

I bought new slippers!

As a fashionable Lucy Van Pelt (the mean girl in Snoopy) for Halloween!

Jay made a new friend but the friendship didn't last long

We come in peace...

Picnic at the lake of course

The little bull from a great spanish red wine called Sangre de Toro.


NANITE said...

J'adore tes petits chaussons !! ils sont trop kawaï.
Ils se mangent les sortes de martiens ?
Bisous nanite adorée.

Dorothée and Jay said...

Oui c'est des cupcakes! Ils etaient tres bon.