On the way to Hobbs, usually 7h driving from Dallas, we got stuck in a snow storm, so it took us about 13h to make the trip! It was fun though, we had some great company :)
It gets some use to checking for scorpions in your shoes every day but we really liked it and the Lins are amazing cooks! It was a great Christmas even though we missed you all.

It's starting to snow right outside of Fort Worth

Finally over! It doesn't look like much but there were some strong winds and there are no snow plows (chasse neige) in Texas.
Lots of wreackage, cars and trucks in the ditch

super sympa votre Noël au nouveau mexique et la neige au Texas!!Impressionnant.On vous embrasse tous bien fort,Maman.
Thanks for sharing. Wow... those photos looked amazing, Jay. I never knew New Mexico could look this good, of course you won't really see the amazing part if you live there everyday. I am glad you guys had a good time. My mission accomplished. Next time, we can go to Santa Fe or White Sand.
En effet, il y avait de la neige. Génial votre séjour au New Mexico, les photos des grottes sont superbes et la maison toute illuminée de toute beauté. Plein de gros bisous et une bonne année 2010 à vous deux.
Nous, on est monté au sommet du Guadalupe Peak. On a également visité les caves à chauve-souris. C'est un coin vraiment sympa.
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