Hello everyone! Happy new year!
Looking back at 2009, we realized we never got around to posting the pictures from our wedding, so here it is! Thanks again to everyone who made 2009 such a wonderful year for us!

We went to take some pictures before the wedding at the castle ruins near my village

Trying to keep the dress clean...

Roxane my sister, Gisèle my grandma, me, Héloïse my sister

The best sisters I could ask for! Les meilleures soeurs du monde!

Jay's mom Barbara, his sister Liane and his dad Don
With my grandma and Jean-Luc

My dad Richard and mom Brigitte
Time to start the procession to the City Hall

At the City Hall. My dad is ready to marry us, in french and in english!

We're married!
Signing the official marriage certificate

Mike was Jay's witness. Roxane was my witness.

Mike, Jay, my dad, me, Roxane nanite

With our families!

Exiting the City Hall

Posing with our witnesses and the musicians

Liane, me, Roxane and Héloïse

Mike and Jay

Roxane and me

The Vin D'honneur behind City Hall

Don is entertaining friends and neighborghs

My dad with my grandma and my aunts

At the reception, Anita, my uncle Patrick and adopted grandpa Jean-Luc, printing their picture for the guest book

Mom and dad (koud12 a amené l'opinel desfois que...)

Don and Barb

Mike, Liz, Adeline and my cousin Alex

Nanites pour toujouuuuuurs!

Finally some food, we didn't get to eat anything during the cocktail hour, I was starved and getting tired already, it was a big day!

Let's party!

La pièce montée, traditional wedding cake in France

The cake topper with the marzipan flags

The cutting of the cake (more like stabbing really)

Don gave a speech as well and stressed the importance of compromising

Toward the end of the night, my aunt Nathalie had a funny surprise!

Singing the Dallas TV show theme song. No comment
Extra!!!Je m'y voyais encore, des souvenirs inoubliables et en prime un temps splendide.Des GROSSS BISOUSSS à tous les deux, Maman.
Trés jolies photos ... comme dit ta mère on s'y voit encore, c'était génial, une occasion de tous se revoir et faire la fête. A voir qui c'est la prochaine à se marier ou le prochain ...
Gros bisous à vous deux.
Finally some photos!
I have to say, your wedding was one of the best parts of 2009. Brad and I had such an amazing time and we always think of the warm hospitality of your family and the town of Habere-Poche. Thank you for inviting us!
Where are we going next?
I love the pictures!!!!! I'm even more sad that I missed your wedding:( I demand a full reenactment next time I see you:)
You looked gorgeous!
my favs include:
procession to city hall
the view behind city hall
the french cake:)
and the Dallas cowgirl hat!!!!
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